Human resources department and IT Employers always find that job seekers unknowingly make mistakes during interviews. When they enter into the interview campus job seeker fails to show their positive attitude. Whenever the interview opportunity arises Job seeker should make sure that their preparation should be with positive attitude. They should avoid the regular mistake while attending interview. As a job seeker you’ve probably been reading about how to act during a job interview and also you should study what are the things to avoid in interview, it can be very helpful to know what not to do just as much as what to do!.
Well most of the job seekers have good qualification but fail to impress in the interview. To make a best possible first impression, job seeker can learn from the mistakes of others and avoid the top 20 worst interview blunders.
Thinks to avoid
- Going late
- Poor personal appearance
- Going without preparation
- Having just one copy of resume
- Using mobile phone
- Chewing
- Poor handshake / forgetting handshake
- No proper dress code
- Emotional talking
- Gossip
- Poor eye contact
- Talking too much
- Poor voice / Poor diction
- Blaming others
- Criticism of college or school
- Telling jokes
- Brush hair, file nails and put on lipstick
- Smoke or drink alcohol before interview
- Applying oil
- Reading text messages in mobile