Social sites is a platform to help Job Seeker learn open source and contribute his/her skills for a not-for-profit social organization with IT. Social sites are focused to support NGO’s commitment for a noble cause in fields education, health, humanity, environment etc.
Many job seekers are sitting idle in their home and are looking for an opportunity to get some IT work experience before they land in their dream IT job. Many of the effective non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) can serve the society by harnessing the power of IT and youth. This is an opportunity for job seekers to utilize their time by learning and working in an NGO project which is good for the country. For example, they can develop a website for any NGO.
A website will help to promote the NGO across several channels like search engines and social networking sites. It offers a cheaper source of promoting their work through continuous announcements on website, blog or launch video. Website is the easy way to raise funds from all over the world all at the same time. By becoming a contributor jobseekers gain both social and industrial recognition and the website they develop will benefit many thousands of people. With this contribution of their IT skill they can impress any job provider who prefer to recruit a learning person than an idle person.
Social sites serve as a launch pad for job seekers to implement their learning in various latest Technologies like RIA, Flex and Web 2.0. Job aspirants will be motivated by our foundation for their participation and efforts in this type of NGO projects. This is an opportunity for job seekers to utilize their time by learning and working in an IT project which is good for the country. We have developed the websites for three major domain such as Education, Health and Environment.
Participants List
Initiative | Resource | Duration (months) |
satche | Suchitra | 6 |
kurals | Raman | 3 |
couplets | Ashok | 3 |
thirukkuralisai | Pavithra | 3 |
indiangandhis | Sathasivam | 6 |
onlinemla | Solai | 2 |
opengov | Anitha, Sujitha | 6 |
garbo | Dhanalakshmi | 3 |
worldstatus | Thirunavukarasu | 12 |
sociopreneurs | Mahalakshmi, Gayathri | 3 |
chipkidz | Sakthibalan | 12 |
womenstatus | Sumathy | 12 |
exnora | Kirubakaran, Divya | 12 |
vethathirimaharishi | Balamurugan | 3 |
innerengineering | Prasanna | 6 |
sevalaya | Ashok | 12 |
qmc100 | Shobana | 3 |
drjayalakshmi | Varun | 3 |
thirukkuralisai | Solai | 1 |
larenccecharitabletrust | Bhuvaneshwaran | 3 |
lifeonstreets | Renukarthik | 1 |
Our Contributions

Sevalaya is a registered charitable Trust established in 1988, with activities in villages around Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram district. Currently the centres are operating from Kasuva village and Aayalur village near Thiruninravur in Tiruvallur District,

Vethathiri Maharishi
It was launched on 14th August 2011 on the birthday of Swamiji. All the content in the web were aggregated.The site has information about vethathirimaharishi photos and Maharishi’s vethathriyam,

It is a global organisation set to achieve socio-economic empowerment, value based education, community welfare, practice of compassion, spread of global friendship and spiritual upliftment of fellow brings.

CII – Confederation of Indian Industry
CII works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry and government alike thought advisory and consultative processes.

World status
Worldstatus is a not for profit initiate to aggregate all the incidents happened in the world during 2010 , 2011, 2012. That caused physical, natural, human and economical damages across the world. This site only displays the contents which are available from various sites.

QMC 100
Queen Mary’s College has been in the forefront of the education of women ever since July 1914, when the Government of Madras instituted the Madras Women’s College.

It was launched by Mr. MB. Nirmal on 30th April 2010. Young IT Fresher’s participated in content aggregation work taken up by IIR. Nearly 110 members worked for nearly a year in this NGO project.

Dr Jayalakshmi
Dr. Jayalakshmi is a well acclaimed practitioner of alternative medicine and is knowledgeable on a number of natural cures that include Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki and more